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Native Plant of the Week: Foam Flower

Writer's picture: Kimberly SimmenKimberly Simmen

Name: Tiarella cordifolia - Foam Flower

Family: Saxafragaceae

Bloom Time: May

Flower: Blush or White

Soil Condition: Moist, Average, Dry, Well Drained, Acidic, Rich

Light: Partial Shade, Shade

Height: 8-12" tall by 12-24" wide

Native Range: Eastern North America

Zone: 4 to 9

Tiarella cordifolia is a lovely semi-evergreen ground cover for shady areas. The glossy foliage varies greatly among the species. It may be solid green or have red/purple veining. Some plants may have heart-shaped leaves or deeply lobed leaves. The flowers are where the plant gets its common name, foamflower, as the stamens in flower give the plant a 'foamy' look. Flowers may be white or blush. In the fall the foliage turns a nice shade of reddish bronze and usually persists throughout the winter, depending on the severity of the season. Plants spread by runners and seed.

Notable Cultivars: 'Eco Running Tapestry' and 'Brandywine'

Maintenance: deadhead to encourage new flowers

Benefits: clay tolerant, drought tolerant, moderately deer and rabbit resistant, early pollinators, nectar source

Companion Plants: Iris cristata - Crested Iris, Carex appalachica - Appalachian Sedge, Aquilegia canadensis - Wild Columbine, Luzula acuminata - Hairy Woodrush, Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern, Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern

pics: KMS Native Plants LLC



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