Family: Plantaginaceae
Name: Penstemon hirsutus
Bloom Time: May -June
Flower: lavender/white
Soil Condition: well-drained, dry, poor
Light: Sun, partial sun, shade
Height: 16-36"
Native Range: Long Island
Zone: 3-9

This is a KMS Native Plants favorite! The tubular white and lavender flowers bloom in the garden when not many other native perennials are flowering. It’s a lovely seasonal transition flower. It makes a great cut flower and the seed pods are great for dried arrangements. It self-sows in the garden, but who wouldn’t want more of these beauties! Even better, it will grow in full sun to full shade.
Maintenance: None necessary but deadheading the flowers will prolong bloom time. Dividing the plant every few years will also keep it very happy.
Benefits: drought tolerant, clay soil tolerant, usually deer resistant, pollinators, nectar source, hummingbirds, host plant to the Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly
Noteworthy Cultivars: 'Pygmaeus' - more compact
Fun Facts: The common name, hairy beardtongue, comes from the fifth flower stamen that has a small clump of hairs that resemble a beard.
Companion Plants: Blue Star - Amsonia tabernaemontana, Anise Hyssop - Agastache foeniculum, Spotted Bee Balm - Monarda punctata, Prairie Dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis, Threadleaf Mountain Mint - Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (shown in pic with the thin leaves)
