Family: Asteraceae
Name: Chyrsopsis mariana
Bloom Time: August-October
Flower: Yellow
Soil Condition: Dry, well-drained, sandy
Light: Sun, partial sun
Height/Width: 12-24"/24-36"
Native Range: Eastern US including Long Island
Zone: 4-9
Photos: Flower and form (KMS Native Plants)
Maryland Golden Aster is a drought-tolerant, short-lived perennial. Do not be afraid of the short-lived part because it self-sows readily in the garden. It also spreads slowly from short rhizomes. It is a beautiful addition to a wildflower meadow, but keep it towards the front as it does not like to be shaded out. The early leaves are fuzzy when young.
Maintenance: None necessary.
Benefits: Tolerates light foot traffic, nectar source, and pollinators, including the specialized bees: Andrena fulvipennis, and Perdita boltoniae
Fun Facts: The genus Chrysopsis is from the Greek word krusós, or 'gold,' and ópsis, 'resembling in appearance,' referring to the gold-colored flowers.
Companion Plants: Asclepias tuberosa - butterfly weed, Schizachyrium scoparium - little blue stem, Symphyotrichum laeve - smooth blue aster, Sporobolus heterolepis - prairie dropseed, Penstemon hirsutus - hairy beardtongue