Family: Onagraceae
Name: Oenothera fruticosa - Northern Sundrops
Bloom Time: May - June
Flower: Yellow
Soil Condition: Dry to Moist
Light: Sun - Partial Sun
Height: 24-36" tall by 36" wide
Native Range: Eastern North America including Long Island
Zone: 4 to 8
Photos: Flower and fall/winter foliage rosette (KMS Native Plants)
Sundrops is the day-blooming member of the biennial (blooms every other year) evening primrose family. The bright yellow flowers are beautiful in a mixed garden and they make a great ground cover. The evergreen foliage rosettes are a deep burgundy from late fall throughout the winter.
Maintenance: Not necessary but you may cut it back in the summer to keep it tidy
Benefits: Nectar source, pollinators including specialized native bees, hummingbirds may frequent the flowers, songbirds eat the seeds, black walnut tolerant, moderately deer and rabbit resistant, tolerates moderate foot traffic, host plant to several moth species, erosion control
Companion Plants: Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Weed, Monarda punctata - Spotted Horsemint, Monarda bradburiana - Eastern Bee Balm, Blephilia ciliata - Downy Wood Mint, Sporobolus heterolepis - Northern Dropseed, Phlox subulata - Moss Phlox